**Upcoming Vacation NOTICE- Shipping will pause 3/11-3/25 (inclusive) orders will not be available for pick up during these dates** please plan ahead.
Specializing in Hand-designed wire creations, Energy infused hand-poured soy candles, Oracle & Intuitive Readings/Guidance , Quality Crystals Including Herkimer Quartz, Reiki Teachings in the upstate NY area.
*I am on my personal spiritual journey -& offer what I have learned over the years to you in many ways.
*Like you I am continuously evolving as is this website. I honor the changes.
*Readings are available In -Person, Via email & over the telephone.
*Select in -person events are held at my private studio on Brunswick NY -these too -are evolving.
Traveling Through The Heart
This website has been born out of many of my personal travel & spiritual experiences, the "gifts" that I have been shown, the "messages" that I have been given & the "treasures" that I have been guided to pass along for purchase to you.
Travel happens in many ways- in the air, on the sea, on the land, through the third-eye & through the heart- These are my experiences. They continue. I've been guided to offer special items/services for purchase that have come from my personal experiences & education over the years.
I am guided daily - by myself, by my intuition, my guides, the angels & those that came before me. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this journey right along with me.
I hope that you find something that touches your heart as they have mine.
If you are looking for guidance, angelic connections, a gift for self or other , Reiki trainings & more, you have arrived here for a reason! Thank-you for being here.
Trust your intuition. Trust the journey. Trust life.
Usui Reiki Level I & Level II
Taking Reiki I and II with Judy in 2022 was truly a blessing. She is a very down to earth and humble instructor. The smaller class sizes allowed for a more personalized learning environment that would be lost otherwise. For anyone looking to begin their practice and learn from an experienced practitioner who intuits what feels right/honors Source, her classes are a great opportunity. Looking forward to Level III in 2023!
Moon & Solstice (Email) Messages:
I have received many Moon Readings and Solstice readings from Judy over the past couple years. Every reading has been tremendously accurate to where I was at that time in my life and helped guide me in the direction of my highest good. I always look forward to the help Judy has to offer and love that she is willing to share her light with me. Thank you Judy. ~April
Long-Time Patron- Energy Shifting Session, Moon Messages & Usui Reiki Level I .
Judy provides amazing healing services to her community. I have come to her over the past ten or so years for multiple beautiful offerings. Her energy shifting session was so comprehensive and powerful, assisting me on a true path to healing. I have also asked for moon phase messages which were affirming, on point and on time as advertised. Most recently I studied Level I Usui Reiki in her lovely intimate studio space and would recommend this to any and everyone. Judy's gifts are palpable and genuine; I will continue to come to her as I feel called to do so.
In Person Oracle Reading :
During a recent in person reading Judy asked me who was the person who had a particular scent around them... I laughed as there was only one person who is with me always with this particular aroma! Judy is magical and insightful with her guidance. You are aware of how she receives and gives her messages. Many of us have questions and difficulties and can use some divine intervention . Judy is just an amazing person and resource for assistance with answers. And I am grateful, thankful and blessed to have her guidance! Pam M-W in the Berkshires.
Numerous Events with Judy 3/25/23
Your generosity, knowledge & guidance has touched so many lives. I am lucky to be one of them. You've not only touched that person but also generations after them. I am a new mom & have found myself breaking generational curses that she (my daughter) will never have to feel.
Love you , Stacey.
Accomplishments -So you know a bit about me & why you may want to work with me. I am dedicated to my spiritual path- if something resonates with you - I look forward to working with you!
*School of Mystical Arts- Psychic & Intuitive Course
* Oracle Cards Diploma
*Angel Therapy Healing
* Usui Reiki Master /Teacher
*Coaching Skills Certified
*Licensed Spiritual Healer
*Sound Therapy Course -Tuning Forks
*Professional Past Life Regression Therapy (Dr. Brian Weiss) MA
*Aromatherapy Certification Course
*LaHo-Chi Level I Training.
*Certified Vigyan Bhairav Tantric Meditation Facilitator, CA, Ireland, India
So here we are blogging -that means writing information for reading- I think I will start this process with being creative (always ) but especially in winter-
Now winter- I like- No I don't love it- but I do like the chill of the air- the deep breaths that I can take in -the snow falling and the woodstove going- beautiful right ? Dogs curled up throughout the house.
My creativity goes deep in winter- I really try to allow what needs to happen -to happen- what does that mean -? Am I listening to my inner creative angels (or spirit guides) to show me what is next ? This winter (after the passing of my father late December) it catapulted me -into me - working with what I had at hand- to quiet the mind- you know that feeling right ? That mind that likes to think a million things at one time- yes that mind- that was mine. His passing did a lot to & for me (that's another blog :))
When I started creating again- the mind settled (for the most part- What was I creating ? I have been working with wire- I never knew that I would be doing that -but hey- do we ever "truly know"? (My daughter Janelle-started me out on this journey just a couple of years ago)
The wire that I mention is here as an example - This seemed to 'come out of nowhere" but I know it didn't -as I mentioned above -I am always guided -what does that actually mean (again)? It means are you -am I listening to the gut , the intuition, the soul or heart calling, does it feel right ? This felt right & still does-it's "new" but it's not- do you know that feeling -like you did this before ? Maybe in some way off land eons or lifetimes ago-yes that "knowing".
Working with my hands is important for me - as a creative , an intuitive person (Like we all are) it's important for me I have learned over the years to use the hands to create- adding the mind, the intuition, materials & ideas -brings it all together- and if if doesn't -walk away for sake of sanity & come back to it later (or not) -I've been coming back to it time & again- ok I have many sets of earrings completed for purchase- will they all sell ? I don't know -Am I attached to this outcome -absolutely not-what I am attached to (but not attached if you know what I mean) is my inner peace & my personal creativity -happening.
This writing is obviously the first hopefully in the many to come that I hope you (& I ) find something in- for comfort, for inspiration, for peace- what are you doing for your peace of mind? Are you doing something ? I hope so .
Other wire creations that I was guided to create happed so organically - like in a split second it seems & I went with it - those creations are my very well loved "Flowers of Peace" - you will see many have sold out (so very grateful-humbled & actually a bit blown away) but the intention with these is inner peace - for whomever owns it gifts it/sees it/ - to be hung in a place for that exact reminder. They work -if you are open to it all . I will be creating more of these as I am guided.
These creations -Flowers of Peace-brought me peace many times- even in my folks home when my dad was unwell & before & after his passing- I sat on the floor of my mothers home as she watched TV or read- me, with wire in hand & sharing some of the process of these flowers with her. I am forever grateful that spirit, my guides gave me this task- It gave me solace , it brought me peace, it brought my mother interest & joy, and then in turn hopefully they have brought all of that & more to you -those that have them in your sacred space. For this I am thankful & grateful.
Where in our home "Do I create these"? - I create these beauties & most of my wire work -in a serene place in our large bedroom, at a window overlooking nature, the trees & a stream- I love that natural light that comes in (though I do need my glasses on:) there is a peace in that space I have created on a beautiful oak table that came from my shoppe on Second Street when I closed up 12/23/23. Everything I need is there at hand- because when you are ready to create -for me -I just need to be able to sit & do just that -create-not to have to get everything "ready" find things , locate things etc- having a ready space aids the creative journey-at least it does for me. Often Leo one our of dogs will join me by napping on the bed- his most favorite place in our home.
Other wire creations that I have created & am still working on & evolving into are HERE. I ask you to find yourself a creative outlet or outlets if you don't currently have any- it brings much peace- but as I am finding you must (I Must) not be attached to any outcome as that just defeats the peaceful purpose of creating -if these items are to be purchased by others (mine or yours) they will be , they will find their new home, this is the way that it works. I love that! I love that when I receive an online order- I KNOW they are "going home" -something, a piece that I personally created with whole heart -is "going home" hopefully to be loved as much as I have loved making them. I trust this always. I need to trust this always -trust as well for me brings inner peace.
I will stop here for this first writing- I hope that my words- my sharing brings you something -peace, comfort, a wire creation, friendship, and or a little snippet into my creative journey.
With love & gratitude always.